HBO: K Street
Okay, last week the noble firm of Carville, Matalin and their fictional hanger-ons pushed the party line of the poor misunderstood RIAA. It was an advertorial for the greedy record industry who likes to sue 12 year olds and grandmas while ripping off artists and keeping CD prices articially high. "K Street" cloaked their Luddite attempts to stop technology and consumer choice in some high-minded conference room blather about theft and copyights. This is the same industry that tried to stop the cassette tape.
But if you thought that last week's client was bad, this week's was even worst - the terrorist-enabling, oppressive, backward government of Saudi Arabia. Carville et al, with no apparent sense of irony or historical memory, justified their efforts by saying that the Saudis had to be engaged, not confronted. Sounds a lot like the apartheid apologists of the 1980s. What was refreshing, and encouraging, was how many people objected to pimping for the Saudis, most notably, and nobly, Senator Barbara Boxer of California.
Are all the good clients taken? Who will Carville and Matalin represent next week? North Korea? Fidel? The French?
Okay, last week the noble firm of Carville, Matalin and their fictional hanger-ons pushed the party line of the poor misunderstood RIAA. It was an advertorial for the greedy record industry who likes to sue 12 year olds and grandmas while ripping off artists and keeping CD prices articially high. "K Street" cloaked their Luddite attempts to stop technology and consumer choice in some high-minded conference room blather about theft and copyights. This is the same industry that tried to stop the cassette tape.
But if you thought that last week's client was bad, this week's was even worst - the terrorist-enabling, oppressive, backward government of Saudi Arabia. Carville et al, with no apparent sense of irony or historical memory, justified their efforts by saying that the Saudis had to be engaged, not confronted. Sounds a lot like the apartheid apologists of the 1980s. What was refreshing, and encouraging, was how many people objected to pimping for the Saudis, most notably, and nobly, Senator Barbara Boxer of California.
Are all the good clients taken? Who will Carville and Matalin represent next week? North Korea? Fidel? The French?
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