Thursday, July 10, 2003

Cybersex. It seems so, well, 1990s, an embarrassing artifact of that discredited age, like that plastic mug you have in the back of the cupboard or the hazy memory floating in your past of ebullient evenings spent drinking apple martinis in the full flush of the dotcom boom. It's worse than high school photos from the 80s. Yet, porn and online are a natural, a multi-billion dollar natural. In a sense, porn made the net. The money porn generated convinced many that the Internet was a perpetual motion machine of cash. Now we now better. But Internet porn rolls on, unstoppable. And now we have a video postcard from its early days, which were just a couple years ago. It's the movie On_Line, which is playing at Visions this weekend. Set in the Manhattan cybersex industry, the New York Times called it a "creepy romantic comedy." The Friday night and Saturday night showings will feature the director in an after-party, sponsored by a dotcom that succeeded,


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