Sunday, July 06, 2003

Bill Clinton aside, why are we in DC always portrayed as boring, super-serious prudes? Okay, maybe a big chunk of the people in this lawyer-choked city are composed of humorless West Wing clones, people who really do have passionate arguments over Medicare reform, but away from the Mall and its marble monuments, there exists humans not that much different from the rest of America. But it's a lot easier for moviemakers to portray DC as the land of corrupt insiders as in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. Or as in the latest incarnation of that story, Legally Blonde 2. Elle has come to town and her blonde perkiness is going to teach us a lesson - whether we like it or not. With her charm, beauty and refreshing naivete, she's going to win us stuffy Washingtonians over. Does this story sound familiar? A few years ago, another California girl came to DC with a similar dream. Her name was Monica Lewinsky.


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